
lv capacitive var compensation

  • low voltage power factor improvement panel

    ZDDQ low voltage power factor improvement panels improves power factor in systems with variable energy demand and non-linear loads, therefore, with variable reactive load needs. Equipped with a power factor controller to regulate their automated operation and monitoring features, ZDDQ automatic capacitor banks remove power factor charges of the electricity bill and reduce the losses of electrical equipment and wiring by improving power factor and harmonics filtering.

  • TSC Thyristor switched capacitor banks

    ZDDQ low voltage TSC automatic capacitor banks(Thyristor switched Capacitors) improves power factor in systems with variable energy demand and non-linear loads, therefore, with variable reactive load needs. Equipped with a power factor controller to regulate their automated operation and monitoring features, ZDDQ automatic capacitor banks remove power factor charges of the electricity bill and reduce the losses of electrical equipment and wiring by improving power factor and filtering harmonics.

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