The EverExceed Penguin-SCR charger uses an intelligent microprocessor to control charge current and voltage during the charge cycle for forklifts. This precise control allows the Penguin-SCR to charge a range of battery technologies including high gravity and VRLA. And they will effectively charge under a wide range of temperature environments and variations in AC line voltage. The charger includes a selectable Opportunity Charge profile which may reduce or eliminate battery changes during a shift or workday.
The EverExceed Motive battery charger is the flagship charger of EverExceed Motive Power solutions. It integrates proven design topology with the latest advanced digital control technology to control the 6-pulse thyristor bridge rectifier and provides the most reliable and trouble-free performances in any electrical and industrial environments. Thus it is a popular choice among the motive industries like Forklifts and AGVs.