Allen Bradley Original AB Servo Drive 2094-BC01-M01-S

Sales Allen Bradley Original AB Servo Drive 2094-BC01-M01-S

The Allen-Bradley 2094-BC01-M01-S is a servo drive from Rockwell Automation's Kinetix 7000 series.

Product Detail  

 Allen Bradley Original AB Servo Drive 2094-BC01-M01-S

The Allen-Bradley 2094-BC01-M01-S is a servo drive from Rockwell Automation's Kinetix 7000 series. Here are some details about the 2094-BC01-M01-S servo drive:


1. Series and Compatibility: The 2094-BC01-M01-S is part of the Allen-Bradley Kinetix 7000 series servo drives. It is designed for high-power applications and is compatible with a range of servo motors.


2. Power and Voltage: The drive operates at a voltage range of 380-480V AC and provides power and control for large servo motors in industrial motion control systems.


3. Feedback Options: The 2094-BC01-M01-S servo drive supports various feedback options, including absolute and incremental encoders, to provide accurate position feedback for precise motion control.


4. Communication Interfaces: It is equipped with communication interfaces such as Ethernet/IP and SERCOS for seamless integration with control systems and communication with other devices.


5. Safety Features: The 2094-BC01-M01-S servo drive incorporates safety features to ensure safe operation. It may include options such as Safe Torque Off (STO) and Safe Speed Monitoring (SSM) functionality.


6. Configuration and Programming: The servo drive can be configured and programmed using Rockwell Automation's Studio 5000 software and Motion Analyzer software, which provide a comprehensive set of tools for drive setup, tuning, and motion control programming.



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