Ready to ship ABB-brand new PLC vfd inverter ACS510 Series Inverters 3kw ACS550-01-06A9-4

Sales Ready to ship ABB-brand new PLC vfd inverter ACS510 Series Inverters 3kw ACS550-01-06A9-4

It designed for general-purpose motor control applications, providing variable speed control and energy savings for various industrial processes.

Product Detail  


 ACS550-01-06A9-4 AC Inverter

Here's a breakdown of the model number:


ACS550: This is the product series name, indicating that it belongs to the ACS550 series.

01: This indicates the inverter's construction type and voltage range. In this case, "01" represents a wall-mounted inverter with a voltage range suitable for various applications.

06A9: This refers to the power rating of the inverter. The "06" indicates that it has a maximum continuous output current of 6 amperes, and the "A9" represents the drive's nominal power rating in kilowatts.


4: This is the last digit of the model number and typically represents some variations or optional features specific to a certain market or region.


Power Inverter ABB  ACS550-01-06A9-4

3 Phase Inverter  ACS550-01-06A9-4


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