Original Siemens Actuator SKP70.110B27

Sales Original Siemens Actuator SKP70.110B27

The Siemens SKP70.110B27 is an electric actuator designed for valve control and positioning.

Product Detail  

New Original Siemens Actuator SKP70.110B27


The Siemens SKP70.110B27 is an electric actuator designed for valve control and positioning. Here are some general features and specifications of the SKP70.110B27 actuator:


Torque: The actuator provides a specific torque output for driving valves. The torque rating of the SKP70.110B27 may vary based on the specific model and application.

Power Supply: The actuator requires electrical power to operate. The voltage and power requirements can vary, so it's important to check the datasheet or contact Siemens for the specific details.

Control: The actuator can be controlled remotely to regulate valve position and movement. It may support various control signals and communication protocols for integration with control systems.

Feedback: The actuator typically provides feedback signals to indicate the valve's position or status. This feedback can be used for monitori


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