Hot Sell Multi Drug Urine Test Cups Combinations rapid test mop/thc/opi
SalesHot Sell Multi Drug Urine Test Cups Combinations rapid test mop/thc/opi
Drug Tests (Strip/Card/Device/Cup) is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay designed to qualitatively detect the presence of drugs and drug metabolites in human urine.
Hot Sell Multi Drug Urine Test Cups Combinations rapid test mop/thc/opi
Drug Tests (Strip/Card/Device/Cup) is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay designed to qualitatively detect the presence of drugs and drug metabolites in human urine at the following cut-off concentrations:
Drug Tests (Strip/Card/Device/Cup) provides only a preliminary analytical test result. The test is not intended to be used in monitoring the drug levels. A more specific alternate method must be used in order to confirm the test result. Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test results, particularly when preliminary positive results are obtained.
Drug Tests (Strip/Card/Device/Cup) is an easy, fast, qualitative, visually read competitive binding immunoassay method for screening specific drugs and their metabolites without the need of instrumentation. The method employs a unique mixture of antibodies to selectively detect the elevated levels of specific drugs and their metabolites in urine. Drug Tests (Strip/Card/Device/Cup) optionally includes an adulteration strip for testing Oxidants/PCC, Specific Gravity, pH, Nitrite, Glutaraldehyde and Creatinine.