AB Rockwell Frequency Converter 22F-D4P2N103

Sales AB Rockwell Frequency Converter 22F-D4P2N103

The 22F-D4P2N103 is a specific model of-Bradley (AB Rockwell frequency converter. 

Product Detail  

 AB Rockwell Frequency Converter 22F-D4P2N103

The 22F-D4P2N103 is a specific model of-Bradley (AB Rockwell frequency converter. Here some information about it:


 Power Rating: The "4" in the model number that the power rating of converter is 4 kilowatts (kW).

- Input Voltage: The "P2" in the model number suggests that the input voltage rating is 200-240 volts AC.

- Enclosure Type: The "N103" in the model number specifies the type of enclosure. In this case, it is an open-style enclosure.

- Control Features: AB Rockwell frequency converters typically offer a range of control features, such as speed control, torque control, and various control modes.

- Communication Capabilities: Frequency converters like the 22F-D4P2N103 often have communication options, enabling integration with other control systems through protocols like Ethernet/IP or Modbus.

- Protection and Safety Features: AB Rockwell frequency converters generally incorporate protection functions such as overload protection, short circuit protection, and overvoltage protection.

- Programming and Configuration: The converter can be programmed and configured using Rockwell's software, such as Connected Components Workbench or Studio 5000, depending on the product generation.



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