AB Brand New Industry Controls PLC A Contactor 1606-XLE480EP

Sales AB Brand New Industry Controls PLC A Contactor 1606-XLE480EP

The PowerFlex 1606 series of drives are designed to provide compact and cost-effective motor control for a wide range of applications.

Product Detail  

Programmable Logic Controller 1606-XLE480EP

Here's some information about the 1606-XLE480EP model:

Power Rating: The "480" in the model number indicates that the drive is rated for a maximum input voltage of 480 volts AC. The "EP" suffix indicates that it is a standard efficiency model.


Output Power: The specific power rating for the 1606-XLE480EP drive is not mentioned in the model number. However, the PowerFlex 1606 series typically offers power ratings ranging from a few kilowatts up to several hundred kilowatts.

Control Features: The PowerFlex 1606 series drives provide advanced motor control capabilities. These features may include adjustable motor speed control, torque control, overcurrent and overvoltage protection, and various programmable functions. Specific features and options may vary depending on the exact model and firmware version.

Communication and Networking: Depending on the model and options, the PowerFlex 1606 series drives may offer various communication interfaces for seamless integration into control systems. These interfaces can include Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet, Modbus, and others.

Plc Price AB 1606-XLE480EP

Programming Controller 1606-XLE480EP

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